麒麟果 — 性涼,有清熱生津、潤腸通便的功效,由於麒麟果有比火龍果更豐富的粗纖維與果糖,因此對便秘特別有紓緩作用,腸胃虛弱及易有便溏的人多吃會出現腹瀉。要注意麒麟果糖分相對較高,糖尿病患者不宜多吃。
火龍果 — 性涼,有清熱生津、潤腸通便的功效,適合內熱較重、陰虛火旺、煩躁口乾、痔瘡便秘人士食用。紅肉和白肉火龍果功效相若。
無花果 — 性平,有潤腸通便、健胃利咽、滋陰潤燥、催乳功效,對老年人、孕婦、小兒便秘有明顯療效,孕婦食用亦可預防痔瘡。惟其糖份含量較高,糖尿病患者慎吃。
香蕉 — 生香蕉屬性寒涼,熟香蕉或經烹煮的香蕉寒性會減低,有清熱通便、解酒功效,適合大便乾燥、痔瘡、大便出血者食用。但要注意尚青或沒熟透的香蕉有收斂作用,能止瀉更有可能引起便秘。
木瓜 — 性平,能健脾胃,幫助消化,消暑解渴。適合脾胃虛弱,容易胃脹不適人士服用,能紓緩食慾下降、消化不良、胃部不適、產婦乳汁不足等症狀。注意孕婦不宜食用。
水蜜桃 — 性熱,有補益氣血、養陰生津、潤腸的作用,適合低血糖、心血不足、肺虛喘咳者食用。由於屬性溫熱,易生熱助火,體內有偏熱症狀不宜多吃,糖尿病患者及血糖偏高者不宜吃。
✔ CheckCheckCin茶療推介:火龍果玫瑰茶
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Fruits that can promote bowel movement
There is a common saying ‘nine out of ten men have hemorrhoid’. There is a high chance for individuals who are busy at work and under a lot of pressure, as well as those who sit down for long hours, eat more meat than vegetables, and enjoy consuming food that irritates the body to develop hemorrhoid.
During the early stages of hemorrhoid, individuals would see blood when they are passing stool. Traces of blood can be found but generally painless. At this stage, individuals can try to salvage the situation by improving their dietary habits.
Consume more vegetables and fruits, especially those that can improve bowel movement to relieve the hemorrhoid symptoms. If it becomes a prolapsed hemorrhoid, a thrombosed hemorrhoid, and bleeding happens, we must get proper medical treatment. If the situation becomes more serious, an individual might not only experience pain but also anemia.
Yellow dragon fruit - cool in nature, can clear heat and promote fluid production, moisten the intestines to relieve constipation. Yellow dragon fruit is higher in fiber and is especially effective in relieving constipation. Those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach or prone to loose stool may experience diarrhea after eating. Yellow dragon fruit is also higher in sugar content so it is not suitable for those with diabetes.
Dragon fruit - cool in nature, can clear heat and promote fluid production, moisten bowel to relieve constipation and relieve thirst. It is suitable for those with inner heat, yin deficiency with excess fire, hemorrhoids and constipation. Similar effects to regular white or red meat dragon fruit.
Figs - mild in nature, can moisten intestine to relieve constipation, strengthen the stomach, relieve sore throat, nourish yin and relieve dryness, aid in lactation. It is especially effective in treating constipation for elderlies, pregnant women and young children. Pregnant women can prevent hemorrhoids by eating figs. However, its sugar content is high, so diabetic patients should be cautious in taking it.
Banana - unripe banana is cool in nature, cold nature is reduced when it is ripe or cooked. It can clear heat, relieve constipation and hangover. Suitable for those who have dry stool, hemmeroid and stool bleeding. Note that green and unripe bananas can induce astringency, relieve diarrhea or lead to constipation.
Papaya - mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and aid digestion. Papaya can clear summer heat and relieve thirst even for those with asthenic spleen and stomach and prone to abdominal bloating. It can alleviate poor appetite, indigestion, stomach discomfort, and even improve milk supply for nursing mothers. Note that pregnant women should not have papaya.
Peach – hot in nature, can replenish qi and blood, nourish yin and promote saliva secretion, as well as stimulate bowel movements. It is suitable for individuals with low blood sugar level, heart-blood deficiency, the manifestation of cough and asthma caused by a weak lung. Individuals with heat related symptoms should not consume peach excessively, since it is hot in nature. The same goes for patients with diabetes and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia).
✔ CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Drink Recommendation: Dragon Fruit Rose Tea
Ingredients: Water, Dragon Fruit Juice, Rock Sugar, Honey, Rose, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Oolong Tea
Effects: Relieves stress, moistens the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for difficulty passing stool, stress, frequent sighs, and dull complexion.
Note: To relieve menstrual discomfort, have this tea 3-7 days before period. Not suitable for menstruating and pregnant women.
✔️CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation: Oats Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Oats
Effects: relieves symptoms of bloating or chubbiness, constipation, excessive sweating, night sweating and fatigue.
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老姑婆 — 無結婚的老女人。
剩女/剩男 — 源自內地形容到適婚年齡而未結婚的男生。
盛女 — 剩女的諧音,源自香港真人秀節目將單身女性包裝改造尋找對象。
乾物女 — 源自日本,形容放棄戀愛、像香菇一樣乾巴巴過著懶散生活的年輕女生。
敗犬 — 源自日本指年過三十未婚的女性,就像喪家之犬一樣遭人排擠。
光棍 — 源自內地形容單身男士,後來泛指單身人士。
單身狗 — 源自內地的網絡用語,單身人士以狗自喻,有自嘲意味。
毒男/毒女 — 源自日文「獨男」,獨與毒同音,指欠缺異性緣的單身男女。
單身貴族 — 沒有伴侶、經濟條件好的未婚人士。
鑽石王老五 — 事業有成又很富有的單身男人。
Self-partnered — Emma Watson享受單身現狀而創出的新字,表示享受與自己作伴。
✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:紅粉緋緋
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Spinster? Old maid? ‘Single dog’?
Terms used to describe single individuals
We are living in an era that celebrates singlehood. The population of single individuals is increasing by the day, but many derogatory terms are still constantly used to make fun of them. These derogatory terms will even further reinforce the negative stereotype towards single people. Which of the following terms do you hate the most?
Old hag (‘lou gu po’) – unmarried old woman
‘Leftover men/women’ (‘sing nam’/’sing lui’) — Men/women who have reached the age to marry but still did not do so
Experienced women (‘sing lui’) – has the same Cantonese pronunciation as the ‘leftover women’; the concept came from a reality show which gave single bachelorettes a makeover and helped them find partners
‘Himono onna’ – originated from Japan; used to describe young woman who have given up on love, and they prefer to live a laid back life like dried mushrooms
‘Bai hyun’ or which literally means defeated dog – originated from Japan; used to describe unmarried woman who have reached their 30s; just like ostracized stray dogs
‘Gwong gwan’ or literally means ‘single man’ – originated from mainland; used to describe bachelors at first, but soon became a general term to describe all single individuals
‘Dan san gao’ which literally means single dog – commonly used by netizens from mainland; the use of the word ‘dog’ is derogatory
‘Duk lam’/’duk lui’, which literally means ‘poisonous men / women’ – originated from Japan; has a similar pronunciation as ‘lonely men/women’; refers to single men and women who fail to attract the opposite sex
Bachelor (‘dan san gwai zuk’) – a man without a partner and is financially independent
Diamond bachelor (‘zyun sek wong lou ng’) – a single man who is rich and has a successful career
Self-partnered — a term actress Emma Watson coined to express the joy of living with her own self
Be it single or married, you must learn to take good care of our health and lead a healthier life.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Blushing
Ingredients: Red date, dried longan, wolfberry, chrysanthemum, sweet osmanthus, American ginseng, Maojian tea, rock sugar
Effects: Nourishes blood and calms the mind. Relieves asthenic cold spleen and stomach, pale complexion and cold limbs.
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