Artist Peichun Chang (張培均) Creative Work Concept Here is a modern artist with much self-innovation and probing, with a creativity that comes from the ... ... <看更多>
Artist Peichun Chang (張培均) Creative Work Concept Here is a modern artist with much self-innovation and probing, with a creativity that comes from the ... ... <看更多>
藝術家 張培均 今年度的最新創作-明心之鹿系列作品,以一幅幅顏色鮮艷,神韻靈動的畫作,夜空下一輪明月照映在尊貴的鹿王身上,讓參觀的民眾自我省思, ... ... <看更多>
張培均 程式設計與智慧應用期末. 亞洲大學. 6月10日01:46. 想問有沒有同學上禮拜有去教室的想知道老師上禮拜說什麼然後hw4-6老師有說過可以補交但我沒有在創課看到補繳 ... ... <看更多>