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[出走地平線 ] 相比以前,現在有太多時間浪費、發呆甚或照顧孩子… 我們有了一個新的時間觀念,毋須再因循前人告訴我們什麼是財富和未來。 忽然間,我們好像失去了將來,能夠經歷這一刧已屬萬幸。 但我不同意這看法。我們應該珍惜所有…現在的經歷只是讓我們有時間沉澱過去的成果:顏色、燈光甚或口罩和概念背後的每個臉龐(我過去幾個月都夢想這様,大家不是嗎?),改變思考問題的方法。 [Flattening The Curve] We all have a lot more time than we have ever had to waste , or feel down , or take care of the kids … We have a new time frame in our lives now. We are actually free now of many of the obligations THEY told us were what affluence and the future world is all about . Suddenly it feels like there is no future world . We will be lucky to survive this one . I disagree . We have what we have … and what’s happening now gives us the time to celebrate what we have : colour and light and faces behind the masks and ideas ( I dream so much more these last few months , don’t we all ) and then a change of way to address all the questions . 影片來源Video: 《春光乍洩》〝Happy Together”(1997) 音樂來源Music: U2 "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

[出走地平線 ] 相比以前,現在有太多時間浪費、發呆甚或照顧孩子… 我們有了一個新的時間觀念,...