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關於applauding的評價, Duncan

這些日子的香港令人很難過。 最近看到一段抗爭民眾在衝突中中槍的影片,內心還處於震撼之際,鏡頭帶到了旁觀民眾在鼓掌,只能用心碎來形容當下的感覺。 雖然香港不是我的家,但是那裡住著許多我的好朋友,希...

這是網友提供的實拍影片 傍晚的紐約市 整個城市教堂聲鳴大作 人們在窗邊吶喊尖叫與鼓掌 為了給一線醫護人員們加油 也為了給自己打氣 — 但為何聽著有中古世紀大BOSS要屠城前的恐懼感QQ — Am a New Yorker here. Been living in NYC for decades and this is by far the worst I have seen or experienced. Hospitals are so overwhelmed and they are so short of PPEs. My little sister used to work in pediatric ICU, now she is officially a COVID19 nurse. She is only allotted one N95 for entire shift and shares the goggles and or face mask. The way Taiwan handled this pandemic is really amazing. US failed it’s citizens. US failed so hard and we are suffering the consequences. Video with audio....my personal recording of New Yorkers applauding and cheering to show appreciation of all the front line workers. This happens every night at 7 pm #天佑全世界

這是網友提供的實拍影片 傍晚的紐約市 整個城市教堂聲鳴大作 人們在窗邊吶喊尖叫與鼓掌 為了給一線醫...