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🤷🏼‍♀️ ⠀ Authenticity > money. I’ve been posting unpopular views since 2003. Blogged when nobody was paying me, will continue to post if nobody is paying me now either. You want politically correct influencers who grovel and backtrack at every criticism and give fake apologies you can find them a dime a dozen. You may not like my views but I have a right to say them. You are not going to bully me into silence, or force me to be a hypocritical woke sheep like you, echoing the same tired sanctimonious virtue-signaling crap every other person on social media is repeating ad nauseam. Not gonna happen sorry!

🤷🏼‍♀️ ⠀ Authenticity > money. I’ve been posting un...

誠邀夾Band 嘅朋友📢⭐~ 係咁嘅,事關有啲friend話,「波點女皇」有一段唔係嘢少,話編到好難彈,於是我就諗,不如各位高手一齊Jam吓「波點女皇」吖! 喺度介紹吓我呢個版本嘅樂手先 Drums : 李一丁 Bass: 陳兆基 Guitar : 崔展鴻 就係佢哋話,其中有十六個bar唔嘢少,仲話好耐都冇試過難到覺得要練。。。 點一齊Jam? 如下: 1. Email到 [email protected],話俾我聽你將會用咩樂器去玩「波點女皇」 2. 我會send番一條音樂track俾你Jam上去,當然你完全唔跟backtrack都可以 3. 拍低你Jam「波點女皇」嘅video,10月8號前send番去[email protected] 之後我同大家分享其中勁抽嘅五條片! 預先多謝你同大家分享你嘅版本嘅「波點女皇」🙋🏻‍♀ #themissingsomething #波點女皇 #你夾band我放心 YouTube: https://youtu.be/NQoEdyyawVI Apple Music/iTunes: https://apple.co/2Y5pT7v Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2XQLEnu KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/9SVElq JOOX: https://joox.page.link/66CR6 MOOV: https://s.moov.hk/r?s=EbXCcF MusicOne: https://bit.ly/2SiJnAe

誠邀夾Band 嘅朋友📢⭐~ 係咁嘅,事關有啲friend話,「波點女皇」有一段唔係嘢少,話編到好難...