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《頌缽身心放鬆療程 Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy》 揉合古老醫學智慧與現代科學實證,透過聲頻的聲音和震頻,讓你達至全面的深度放鬆和滋養,同時啟動你內在的自癒能力,以達至持續平衡的生理(身體)及心理(情緒)狀況。 Combined ancient medical wisdom with modern scientific evidence. Through sound and specific massage techniques, you can achieve full depth relaxation and nourishment, at the same time initiate your inner self-healing ability. Eventually, you can achieve a physiological (physical) and psychological (emotional) balance. 身、心、能量三大層面的益處: Body 身體層面 -- 頌缽沉穏而細緻的振動,能輕鬆地穿透身體每個肌肉、組織、骨骼及細胞,有助清除身體的阻塞,排出毒素;其頻率亦被科研證實,能平衡身體各個系統,有助提升免疫力及能量。 Mind 心智層面 -- 頌缽和諧的泛音 (Harmonics) 及延綿的音色,能讓人的腦波慢慢進入 Alpha, Theta 甚至 Delta 這些深度放鬆的休息狀態,使身心都得到深層次的紓緩。 Energy 能量層面 -- 能清除能量上的瘀塞,使氣血更流暢,提升能量。 The benefits on body, mind and energy: Body Level -- The intensive and meticulous vibration from singing bowls easily penetrates every muscle, tissue, bone and cell of our bodies. It helps clear the body's block and expels toxins; its frequency is also confirmed by scientific research that it helps boost immunity and energy. Mind level -- Harmonics of the sound will let the brainwaves slowly enter the deeply relaxing state of Alpha, Theta and even Delta, so that the body and mind can deeply relieved. Energy Level -- The vibration of the sound can clear the energy congestion, facilitate the blood flow more smoothly, and thus increase energy (chi or prana). 針對處理: - 失眠或睡眠質素欠佳 - 痛症 - 壓力大/容易緊張或焦慮 - 肌肉或能量繃緊 This Therapy is especially beneficial for: - Insomnia or poor sleep quality - Pain - Stress/easy tension or anxiety - Muscles and Energy Tension Private Singing Bowl Therapy Session 45分鐘身心快速叉電 特別為生活繁忙的你而設。運用療癒頌缽,配合特定手法,讓聲頻深度按摩你身體和特定能量點,讓你短時間內恢復和提升能量狀態,身心即時感到精力充沛、煥然一新,助你更有效率應付當天工作。 90分鐘聲頻身心療癒 在這個深度放鬆的旅程中,會先帶領你進行私人導引從呼吸身體慢慢放鬆,然後運用頌缽,以聲頻和共振,平衡身體各個脈輪,同時清除你體內阻塞的能量,讓你身心得到放鬆和調養。 120/150分鐘聲頻身心療癒 這個結合聲音、振頻的「身心放鬆滋養方案」,更能夠針對處理你的特定需要(睡眠質素、身心放鬆或痛症)進行修復,淨化個人氣場,擴大體內正能量,助你達至更全面更深入的身、心提升。 注意事項: 1.暫不接受近日曾接受重大手術、有出血性傷口或裝有心律調整器者。 2.建議安排預約時段時,不要把行程排得太緊、馬上接著從事燒腦忙碌、熱鬧喧嘩的活動,最好在結束後可以留給自己一些靜默獨處時間。 Precautions: 1. Who have undergone major surgery recently, have hemorrhagic wounds or implanted heart rhythm regulators are temporarily not accepted. 2. Recommended that when arranging the scheduled timetable, do not arrange the itinerary too tightly, and immediately proceed to the busy, lively and noisy activities. It is better some quiet time alone after the end. Location: Central DM for appointment

《頌缽身心放鬆療程 Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy》 揉合古老醫學智慧與現...