The reason is that my code later on toggles the button to disabled and if the code crashes or so I might see the button disabled. I can disable ... ... <看更多>
The reason is that my code later on toggles the button to disabled and if the code crashes or so I might see the button disabled. I can disable ... ... <看更多>
在HTML 標籤中有一個 disabled 的屬性,只要在表單元素( Button 、 Input ... 要啟動就僵值改成 false ,或是用 removeAttr('disabled'); 移除屬性。 ... <看更多>
const isDisabled = true const isToggled = true a(href="#" aria-disabled= isDisabled) button(aria-pressed= isToggled) Toggle. We have:. ... <看更多>
Boolean values, like disabled, can be set to true or false. When true, they act as if they are present, and when false, act as if they are ... ... <看更多>