ferrule 關於ferrule的評價, Duckie SIUCHI ♥ is ALL AROUND 咁岩聽包媽 Cherie * 包之世界 * 講起化妝掃,對支七號仔幾有興趣.... $488 有廿二支又真係抵到無朋友既。 我諗諗...我諗諗先..... 22 Piece Brush Set ... 2012-04-04 01:38:24 有 16 人說讚
ferrule ferrule #aadiythursday you always always always need to dry your brushes upside down to prevent water dripping back to the ferrule. You can hang them on rods, door handles, hangers, or even your luggage handle if you are in a hotel! ⠀ #adornAddiction #diythursday #diybeauty #drybrushes #cosmeticbrushes #diy #beauty #makeup #cleaning #aadiythursday you always always always need to dr... 2016-10-06 23:21:32 有 6 人說讚