Typically, you do not invoke task.execute() . You can specify that one task is comprised of other tasks in the following manner: ... <看更多>
Typically, you do not invoke task.execute() . You can specify that one task is comprised of other tasks in the following manner: ... <看更多>
dependsOn (cloneGradle). } // Gradle Kotlin DSL API sources extraction and generation. val cloneKotlinDsl by tasks.creating(git.GitClone::class) {. ... <看更多>
... 'io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt:detekt-cli:1.19.0-RC1' } // Remove this line if you don't want to run detekt on every build check.dependsOn detektTask ... ... <看更多>
Whether you use a mono-repository or multi-repository approach for your sources, managing dependencies is ... ... <看更多>