關於gwyneth paltrow的評價, Robert Downey Jr
HBD to this absolute powerhouse. You deserve all the best today...and then a little bit more, Gwynet...
HBD to this absolute powerhouse. You deserve all the best today...and then a little bit more, Gwynet...
Sweet, civilized Gwyneth Paltrow. Bless her for s...
Happy birthday to the one who deserves far more t...
Here's to another one 'round the sun. Hope your bi...
The “Muddy Puddle” challenge has been issued... Fi...
凱特.溫絲蕾(Kate Winslet)和李奧納多.狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio)原...
/ONE OF A KIND MOMENT OF MCU/ Một bức hình chục...
Gwyneth Paltrow in Prada Prada Christmas 2013 wi...
'เลนเนิร์ด' (Joaquin Phoenix) ชายหนุ่มที่ถูกถอนหม...
【國際巨星們都在說】 艾瑪華森 Emma Watson,湯姆漢克 Tom Hanks,葛妮絲派特...