I have two tables, in both, I am using UUID to generate an id. after that, I am ... ... <看更多>
I have two tables, in both, I am using UUID to generate an id. after that, I am ... ... <看更多>
Laravel - Enabling UUID for model (v6 tested) -- uses ... When using the column as a foreign key in a pivot table, create a UUID column and do the same ... ... <看更多>
How to use UUID as Primary key instead of auto-increment IDs in Laravel application? 14K views 1 year ago. ... <看更多>
Awesome tips for Laravel Laravel TipsAwesome Laravel tips and tricks for ... This allows you to remove BelongsTo foreign key names from your ... ... <看更多>
You just have to add another step - in fact PostgreSQL is already telling you that: column "sender" referenced in foreign key constraint does not exist . ... <看更多>