Multi-Masking. 照顧肌膚不同部位需要,可因應肌膚當日狀態選取不同面膜,定制您的個人護理,為您的臉龐每一吋配上適合的面膜: 保濕、淨化、舒緩,光澤減壓! ... <看更多>
Multi-Masking. 照顧肌膚不同部位需要,可因應肌膚當日狀態選取不同面膜,定制您的個人護理,為您的臉龐每一吋配上適合的面膜: 保濕、淨化、舒緩,光澤減壓! ... <看更多>
' Multi-Masking ' or 'Double Masking' is perfect for someone with a combination skin type. It is the most effective way to treat multiple ... ... <看更多>
Multimasking · Hot new multimasking trend! Use different Mary Kay® masks to target different areas of your face and address specific skin needs all at once. ... <看更多>