關於nba free agents的評價, Bryant Austin
©| 1st I want to say that I will have at least two Basketball Clinics 100% FREE this Summer in #Hon...
©| 1st I want to say that I will have at least two Basketball Clinics 100% FREE this Summer in #Hon...
大家一定有一大早守在電視機前,目睹「林來瘋」的熱血經驗吧!9年前的那天(7月21日),林書豪和金州勇士隊簽約,成為第一位進入美國職籃(NBA)的台裔美籍球員。#AITat40 #AITat40Cel...
大家一定有一大早守在電視機前,目睹「林來瘋」的熱血經驗吧!9年前的那天(7月21日),林書豪和金州勇士隊簽約,成為第一位進入美國職籃(NBA)的台裔美籍球員。#AITat40 #AITat40Cel...
Practice makes perfect! Congrats to @giannis_an34 and the @milwakeebuckss for taking home the champi...
喺NBA季前賽籃網主場對陣速龍嘅賽事,有逾150球迷到場,全部著住印有「光復香港」同「Stand with Hong Kong」嘅黑tee,戴上黑口罩。佢哋喺球賽暫停期間高叫「Free Hong Ko...
🌲🎅🏽🏀 HKIS (Hong Kong International School) HOLIDAY BASKETBALL CAMPS offered in partnership with “Th...
🌲🎅🏽🏀 HKIS (Hong Kong International School) HOLIDAY BASKETBALL CAMPS offered in partnership with “Th...