You can specify a prop property in your column definition, and ngx-datatable will know which field to show in the grid. ... <看更多>
You can specify a prop property in your column definition, and ngx-datatable will know which field to show in the grid. ... <看更多>
Table Column Options. name : string. Column label. If none specified, it will use the prop value and decamelize it. prop : string. ... <看更多>
projects/swimlane/ngx-datatable/src/lib/utils/column-prop-getters.ts ... export type ValueGetter = (obj: any, prop: TableColumnProp) => any;. ... <看更多>
Angular datatable for handling large and complex datasets in table format. ... <看更多>
ngx -datatable repo issues. ... const column: TableColumn = { name: columnName, prop: key, cellTemplate: ` <ng-template #string let-row="row" ... ... <看更多>
Join my special Ionic School today: Courses, Project Templates, Community ... ... <看更多>
Remove extra empty space from ngx-datatable header ... [rows]="rows"> <ngx-datatable-column name="UserName" prop = "UserName" ... ... <看更多>