關於rapture的評價, Joseph Prince
Have you ever had questions about the rapture of the church, the 7 years of tribulation, or the sec...
Have you ever had questions about the rapture of the church, the 7 years of tribulation, or the sec...
【天天抽送】我的WiFi該取什麼名字呀?! 最近阿邦在原價屋花了快一萬五買了台ROG RAPTURE GT-AX11000無線分享器,802.11ax還有Game Boost遊戲技術超厲害的啦!...
大家情人節快樂 雖然對我來說今天只是一個下雨的討厭日子(ㄟ) 大概9點開 PS4《Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture》 中文翻譯:逝去的幸福 不過單看英文比較像...
The Bible says that in the last days, many people...
Does the Bible actually talk about the rapture of...
A revelation of the gospel of grace is critical t...
Ever wondered if you were "faithful" enough to be...
What does the Bible actually say about the rapture...
“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all s...
Watch the full excerpt of this latest sermon, Prop...