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關於rents的評價, Goodbye HK, Hello UK

睇見《New York Times》呢個標題,都唔知有咩好補充。 "Life in Hong Kong has always been impossible" 唔講關於政治嗰部份,請問呢啲由來以久嘅...

Hi all, SELAMAT HARI RAYA! Yes, Raya is a little bit out of the ordinary this year, but I do hope you will try to make it as interesting, heart warming, and most of all, as safe as possible. =) Some of you may not be able to be with your loved ones this year, but I do hope that they are just a phone call away. 🌺 Thank you for being a good human by staying where you are, and caring about you, and those you love. 💜 Here is a cover of a classic Hari Raya popularised by Puan Sri Saloma, a song that we all know and love. Jorgen Jorgensen on guitar. This was shot back in 2010 when I was still living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Before the rents went crazy. Lucky to have experienced Brooklyn a little bit before the prime that it is now. 💜 I was trying to look for who the composer of the song was, and found this interesting fact behind it. "In 1954, Cathay Film Productions produced a film called Selamat Hari Raya and Ahmad Jaafar (the music conductor for the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Orchestra in the 1980s) was asked to compose the theme song for that film. Also named Selamat Hari Raya, the song was originally sung by Nona Asiah, who was by then the most sought-after playback singer. Then in 1955, a recording company HMV requested that it be put onto a vinyl record with the hugely popular singer Saloma making the recording. Known for her colourful expression, Saloma was the gold standard in vocal ‘lemak-ness’ , a characteristic thought to be the ideal in Malay singing, marked by a beautiful, warm tone, mellifluous and gracefully flexible. The song was composed in the Branyo beat, a Latin beat that was very popular in the 1950s and during the festive month that same year, immediately gained popularity. " Source: http://singapurastories.com/2014/07/hari-raya-songs-first-recorded-in-the-1940s/ SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MALAYSIA! Happy blessings to you and your loved ones. Mohon Maaf Zahir & Batin. 🙏🏽✨🌺

Hi all, SELAMAT HARI RAYA! Yes, Raya is a little ...