Check if K divides N exactly or not because if it does we can simply use reverse function in a loop · If it doesn't we first reverse the elements ... ... <看更多>
Check if K divides N exactly or not because if it does we can simply use reverse function in a loop · If it doesn't we first reverse the elements ... ... <看更多>
Reverse an array in groups of given size ... <看更多>
Earlier, we saw how to reverse a sub-array given the window to be reversed. How do we reverse an array in subarray groups? ... <看更多>
//Java Code for geeksforgeeks solution of Reverse array in groups problem given on gfg array school section. import java.util.*;. import java.lang.*;. ... <看更多>
Apr 15, 2020 - Explanation about "Reverse Array of Groups" program.#ReverseArrayOfGroups #NatarajaMurthy #ProgramFor More Updates:Subscribe: ... ... <看更多>
My main gripe is that it works at two different levels: it accepts an array as input, but returns a string. It's a mild violation of the ... ... <看更多>