關於roald dahl的評價, Kaimook BNK48
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lo...
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lo...
〈禁止小朋友看《鬼滅之刃》好嗎?從童書大王羅德.達爾談起〉 . 由經典童書改編的《女巫們 The Witches》(2020)在去年十月問世。許多影迷對這部作品的強烈印象,或許來自30年前的上一版、...
〈禁止小朋友看《鬼滅之刃》好嗎?從童書大王羅德.達爾談起〉 . 由經典童書改編的《女巫們 The Witches》(2020)在去年十月問世。許多影迷對這部作品的強烈印象,或許來自30年前的上一版、...
〈禁止小朋友看《鬼滅之刃》好嗎?從童書大王羅德.達爾談起〉 . 由經典童書改編的《女巫們 The Witches》(2020)在去年十月問世。許多影迷對這部作品的強烈印象,或許來自30年前的上一版、...
自從美美上咗小學後, 我先第一次認識Roald Dahl嘅書,果然係好好睇,好啱學英文。 不過美美嘅能力仲未可以自己讀到,所以仲要由我讀俾佢聽。 佢暫時只聽過Charlie and the C...
”If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of...
It was such a delight to join Taika Waititi in thi...
[Góc Yêu Bếp bước ra từ điện ảnh, văn học] CỰC DỄ...
A "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" series from ...
Miku Nakano from Quintessential Quintuplets 🐈❤️ ( ...