關於ryan higa的評價, JCON 北美總編 勇士隨隊 shenjade
林書豪奪冠後,因為更衣室在清理慶祝後的殘局,他就暫時坐在門邊用手機,我當時站在門邊,等他慶祝完出來。其實是要等著問他能不能被採訪。手機在手上也是閒著,我就拍下來這個一瞬間。 這兩天各種言論都有...
林書豪奪冠後,因為更衣室在清理慶祝後的殘局,他就暫時坐在門邊用手機,我當時站在門邊,等他慶祝完出來。其實是要等著問他能不能被採訪。手機在手上也是閒著,我就拍下來這個一瞬間。 這兩天各種言論都有...
Taking Ryan Higa out shopping :) ...
!WARNING! This video will change your life. Read ...
Probably the most down to earth person you'll ever...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXbvGiL_hw4 hmmm...
Can't believe I'll be on the same stage with him ...
Dude's got 13,746,586 YouTube subscribers and coun...
One of my favorite video of all times, as it was s...
Check out the Ultimate Trickshot Dunk by Ryan Higa...