關於schools的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
It is five weeks since I spoke about the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. So it is timely to update ...
It is five weeks since I spoke about the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. So it is timely to update ...
Like all of us, I was shocked by yesterday’s tragic incident at River Valley High School. We cannot ...
In my National Day Message, I spoke on three areas that will help Singapore prepare for the future: ...
This is not going to be a standard Christmas message. I thought this year, let's not have someone dr...
The air quality worsened into the “very unhealthy” range today. The PSI for the next 24 hours is ex...
【對華政策的範式轉移】絕對是歷史性講話. #成萬字 #萬言書 #頹譯都譯死人 ----小弟頹譯------ 蓬佩奧:謝謝。謝謝你們。州長,您的慷慨介紹。的確是這樣:當您在那個體育館裡散步時,說出“蓬...
🇺🇸 美國Ivy League名校居然因為港區國安法,而在課堂列出「敏感內容」,學生也要使用代碼交功課。世上最荒謬的事,莫過於此。 ⏺中國銀行有違反國安法嗎? https://www.patreon...
美國猶他州報紙竟然讚美台灣!我的媽媽昨天讀報紙的時候看到了一篇文章關於台灣面對病毒的大成功 !我的媽媽看完文章之後跟我說:「我為台灣感到驕傲!」 台灣,謝謝您的保護! Taiwan, thanks ...
紙媒只是起點。 四月八日,WHO 秘書長譚德塞於正式場合,公開針對台灣發表長達三分鐘的不實發言,此事件引起台灣民眾高度關注。發起團隊決定透過嘖嘖群眾集資平台,集資刊登紐約時報廣告,希望透過大眾的...
在此很想和大家分享一些從事教育的喜悅😊。 今年,伽利利國際學校(Galilee International School - Kindergarten and Nursery) 全部的學生都能夠...