關於tidying up的評價, Lena 莉娜
在我家有規規矩的,你負責家務,我負責收拾你😜😜😜 We have rules in this house, you take care of the chores around the house,...
在我家有規規矩的,你負責家務,我負責收拾你😜😜😜 We have rules in this house, you take care of the chores around the house,...
Những việc làm mỗi ngày giúp chúng ta to...
I had just put up our tree and was occupied tidyin...
說真的很謝謝紐西蘭航空在我陷入失去親人的悲傷期,贊助了我一趟旅行。 在皇后鎮的最後幾天,我住到...
#文末有抽獎活動 【來一遍就愛上!小宇麻麻帶你滑草趣~】 原來台北也有這麼刺激、好玩的公園! 假日...
AFTER A GRUELING 4 HRS. I have finished tidying u...
Final Destination น่ากลัวมากกก กลัวการขึ้นรถไฟเหาะ...
執屋經濟學 適逢年廿八, 好想同大家分享一下我上年瘋狂執屋的心路歷程 。話說我自從五年幾前搬出...
Word of the Day: Dogsbody /ˈdɒɡzbɒdi/ noun, Briti...
#葉郎每日讀報 1.近藤麻里惠風暴60天 美國各個娛樂媒體焦頭爛額了一個多月試圖理解Netfli...