Pinterest Lite. Save space on your device. Sign up. Explore. Titibhasana (Firefly Pose) Firefly Pose, Sumo Wrestling, Yoga, Poses, Figure. ... <看更多>
Pinterest Lite. Save space on your device. Sign up. Explore. Titibhasana (Firefly Pose) Firefly Pose, Sumo Wrestling, Yoga, Poses, Figure. ... <看更多>
Happy Friday!今天歐詠芝老師的八肢瑜珈小影單元為大家介紹 Titibhasana 螢火蟲式。 這是Ashtanga Yoga八肢瑜珈第二系列的動作:很難、很累、很辛苦。 ... <看更多>
Firefly pose Tutorial and student attempts. #fireflypose #titibhasana #myrusyoga. ... <看更多>
Titibhasana , the firefly pose with some kind of support at the back incase you might go off balance. For me the sofa became my savior. ... <看更多>