I found a more simple method to get the ArrayBuffer of Uint8Array. var arrayBuffer = foobar.buffer;. just this! And it works for me! ... <看更多>
I found a more simple method to get the ArrayBuffer of Uint8Array. var arrayBuffer = foobar.buffer;. just this! And it works for me! ... <看更多>
Should we expose the augment function somehow to allow for converting an Uint8Array to a Buffer without having to do a copy (which I believe ... ... <看更多>
buffer : ArrayBufferLike. Defined in node_modules/typedoc/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts:1993. The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array. ... <看更多>
Skimming the tweetnacl-js source it seems like Buffer and Uint8Array both provide equivalent functionality for crypto uses. One difference is that node Buffers ... ... <看更多>