纖長睫毛 在 SUB)新手/學生必看! 全臉開架橘子汽水妝🍊化妝技巧大補帖 Orange Daily Makeup | heyitsmindy 的影片資訊
記得打開CC字幕!Please turn on cc subtitles! (For other language users, you can click "Auto-translate" to t...
記得打開CC字幕!Please turn on cc subtitles! (For other language users, you can click "Auto-translate" to t...
【本片與 花知曉Flower Knows合作】 小櫻花最近開設了個人的YT頻道,分享了他的HKB48畢業妝容和穿搭,想想之前看她在PRODUCE48的表現就覺得好為她開心!一定要走櫻花路啊~~~🌸 這...
訂閱頻道,打開小鈴鐺🔔 https://goo.gl/PFKb3d Email ▸▸▸ [email protected] (For business inquiries) Face...
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tang_ful/ / 上衣:mini matters 耳環、項鍊:This Thing 戒指:孤獨症收容所(淘寶) / ...
記得打開CC字幕!Please turn on cc subtitles! (For other language users, you can click "translate" to transl...
【結帳折$600再送沐浴去角質組】德國百靈 BRAUN SES9970智淨Spa美體刀 快去搶起來❤️: https://www.hengstyle.com/product/7970 我的IG在這...
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tang_ful/ / 隱眼: Olens Scandi Hazel 戒指: SELECT STUDIO、Gucci、u_u...
訂閱頻道,打開小鈴鐺🔔 https://goo.gl/PFKb3d Email ▸▸▸ [email protected] (For business inquiries) Face...
訂閱頻道,打開小鈴鐺🔔 https://goo.gl/PFKb3d Email ▸▸▸ [email protected] (For business inquiries) Face...
很久沒做「挑戰」影片了~ 今天決定挖出手邊所有最低價彩妝! 全部上臉看看妝效 會因為價格畫不出好看的妝容嗎? 結果意外超滿意❤ (IG會抽獎唷!) 🧡請關注我的IG 🧡 有抽獎/圖文/最新消息唷!...