8pm 在 "Lucky" cover - dedicated to me from my friends! =) 的影片資訊
THANK U GUYS (Kevin, Eric, Felix, Jacqueline, Eunice, Jennifer) FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO!!!! =) They ...
THANK U GUYS (Kevin, Eric, Felix, Jacqueline, Eunice, Jennifer) FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO!!!! =) They ...
Full Event Details here: http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/2009/08/toysrevil-singapore-toy-games-comic.h...
兩年前茵茵揮別了朝九晚五的上班族日子,正式開始她的表演生涯。在過去的兩年當中,她曾經扮演外百老匯音樂劇"I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change"當中的都會女子,也...
LIVECHAT on Blogtv.com Tuesday 26th May at 8pm GMT guys! See you there ^_^ In this video, I'm goi...
Just in case i wasn't making sense. Pardon the tired face. I just got in from a 20 hour flight. That...
tube 2008.01.29 01 - http://jmseul.cocolog-nifty.com/jiji/2009/01/post-9d96.html - sleepless town sh...