activist 在 #ship竟不是船? #悼念怎麼說 #賓狗聊世界 E308 的影片資訊
— 陪賓狗錄 podcast — 歡迎來訂閱我的節目《聽新聞學英文》 想跟賓狗一起不死背...
— 陪賓狗錄 podcast — 歡迎來訂閱我的節目《聽新聞學英文》 想跟賓狗一起不死背...
週二,白俄羅斯反對派活動人士在法庭用鋼筆刺喉企圖自殺,抗議政府逼迫他認罪。這名異議人士去年因參與總統大選舞弊示威被逮捕。上週,白俄羅斯才剛剛因攔截愛爾蘭廉航 Ryanair、強行登機逮捕異議部落客事件...
Rảnh is a video podcast ft. Vietnamese people and People who Love Vietnam. Una-Minh is a Vietnames...
"Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of the...
上一支影片講了 Third Point 的 Dan Loeb 給了迪士尼一個建議,要他們不再發放股利,將那筆錢投資在 Disney+ 串流服務上。對於 Dan Loeb 的行為,迪士尼很快做出了回應。...
迪士尼今年第三季營收受到疫情影響,年增率衰退了 40%。EPS 近十年第一次是負值。有一位迪士尼投資人公開對迪士尼提出建議,停止發放迪士尼股利,將這些錢全部投入在 Disney+ 裡。他認為這個建議可...
China's unstoppable fishing fleets are stripping the sea bare, wildlife poaching and illegal harvest...
LIVE UPDATE FROM BEIRUT Sharing some infos from Sara Abdulla , an activist from Jeel Sustainable Or...
May 24th marked one year since Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage...
On March 19, 2017, Taiwanese pro-democracy activist Lee Ming-Che (李明哲) disappeared in China. Ten day...