alphabet sound 在 簡単にできる英語発音上達法 l ABCの歌でフォニックス [#186] 的影片資訊
英語の発音を上達させるために、アルファベットの歌(ABC Song)を歌って発音・発声トレーニング!フォニックス(Phonics)の練習にもなります! 1. 有声音: B, D, G, J, V, ...
英語の発音を上達させるために、アルファベットの歌(ABC Song)を歌って発音・発声トレーニング!フォニックス(Phonics)の練習にもなります! 1. 有声音: B, D, G, J, V, ...
In this video, we will teach letter A,B,C by using common toys such as fruit, vegetables, street veh...
Learn abc is not easy? lets do it with playdoh! -Help your child explore pre-reading and pre-writin...
-Help your child explore pre-reading and pre-writing skills with Play-Doh fun -Together Time Guide f...
-Help your child explore pre-reading and pre-writing skills with Play-Doh fun -Together Time Guide f...
-Help your child explore pre-reading and pre-writing skills with Play-Doh fun -Together Time Guide f...
GLDN -「END OF THE ROAD」(Official Music Video) 日本另類藍調搖滾樂團GLDN。 2017年單曲作品「END OF THE ROAD」,首支音樂影像作品。 2...
In this video, we will teach different shapes,. number and alphabet to your kids with the toy. The...
We will pronounce a to z and complete the Giraffe puzzle, let have fun and learn a to z together! t...
We will teach different color and complete the Elephant puzzle, let have fun and learn color togethe...