bbc time 在 FEELING GROWN UP 的影片資訊
Thanks to Noom for sponsoring this video! #ad #noom Take their health survey to get started today: h...
Thanks to Noom for sponsoring this video! #ad #noom Take their health survey to get started today: h...
NEW HAIR. WHO THIS? Feeling fresh with the shorter hair. Why did I worry so much? Should've done it ...
YEY! I wanted to share this moment with you all. A while back, I shared with you that I was on the h...
Hello lovelies! Brrrrr it is SO COLD TODAY in Northern Ireland. I've been spending a lot o time in ...
Is it just me or is this certain lockdown feeling heavier than the previous ones? I'm so thankful to...
HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is our last vlog of 2020. Can you believe it? As strange as this year has been...
When your own good friend calls you out, you know it's time to do something about it... Weeks befor...
#歡迎來到志祺七七 #親簽款與臭泥便利貼上架 ✨詳細預購資訊看這邊✨ 11/13 凌晨0點起 限量預購中 🔥博客來【獨家親簽1077本】 🔥誠品【臭泥便利...
artist:me(bbc) It's been a long time....
#EDUBIT #科技设计家庭式教程 #digitalcodingskill 看科比开灯设计出用电板控制踢足球的编程!还有更多酷炫玩法! #给孩子一份接触未来的学习工具 #科技设计家庭式教程 #儿...