bear meaning 在 #Podcast EP33│母胎單身27年!怎麼回事?Has been single since birth for 27 years! What’s going on? (feat.老易) 的影片資訊
歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 我有一個單身27年的朋友,每天嚷嚷著想結婚,但既然這麼想結婚,為什麼從來沒交過女朋友呢?這天終於邀請他來上節目分享這些年間他是如何保守自己、預備自己、認識自己的~(但真心祝福幼...
歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 我有一個單身27年的朋友,每天嚷嚷著想結婚,但既然這麼想結婚,為什麼從來沒交過女朋友呢?這天終於邀請他來上節目分享這些年間他是如何保守自己、預備自己、認識自己的~(但真心祝福幼...
At 33, I'm finally doing a Friends Cleanse. I heard some people cleanse out their friends every mont...
"He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how" - Friedman Nietzche BITESIZE PODCAST EP4: ...
Thank you so much for your questions! What’s your all time favourite movie? How often do you see ...
I’m back with another Tinascope video! Today I’ll be analyzing my hair and scalp with my mumma bear!...
And here goes my first video collaboration with Jojobean, @jyjosephine! We've been meaning to work o...
#28 平和記念公園後のまるみつで巨大白くま:沖縄座間味の旅 沖縄座間味の旅。 最終日。 那覇のホテルをチェ...
Campus TV, HKUSU Facebook Page: 「凡是渴望在這個遺忘之島上尋找意義與故鄉的人必須勇敢承擔思想... Reuploaded this because YT has been a butt an...