build business relationship 在 Ep41.讀書會|什麼是定型心態與成長心態,命運之鑰|如何尋求職場真實反饋迅速突破|一分鐘商業英文One-Minute Business English 的影片資訊
本集聲沙請慎入。你是否想過請主管同事吃誠實豆沙包,來讓自己更進步突破? 連貫第40集,本集作者教我們如何採樣,尋求真實反饋的步驟step by step以及範本。了解自己的職場招牌優勢,校准你的優勢和...
本集聲沙請慎入。你是否想過請主管同事吃誠實豆沙包,來讓自己更進步突破? 連貫第40集,本集作者教我們如何採樣,尋求真實反饋的步驟step by step以及範本。了解自己的職場招牌優勢,校准你的優勢和...
Want To Build A Better Relationship? Watch This To Discover How. Then Take The Chance To Unlock Your...
Wow, Quarter 1 of 2020 is almost coming to an end and I finally have the time to catch up with part ...
Oh my, my, January vlog is wayyyy overdue! January was an amazing month, the year has started with a...
Hey all, before I take my month-long hiatus on YouTube, here's a recap vlog of my very eventful Augu...
Hi friends! The monthly vlog is back! Although it's very unfortunate that I lost 40% of the footage ...
Hi friends! As I started making more videos about Entrepreneurship, Confidence and Self-love, I real...
Relationship, relationship, and relationship. Relationship is key when dealing with rich Chinese. Wa...
Do You want to Capitalize on the Chinese Market? Step one is to first build Trust with the right Ch...
What are the 4 common mental referral barriers that's keeping you from getting referrals? ★☆★BONUS ...