buxom lip liner 在 SOFT ‘N SWEET ?? SOFT GLAM MAKEUP 的影片資訊
perfect soft glam makeup for the holidays~ ? (。- ω -) i partnered with #KAJA to share their new holi...
perfect soft glam makeup for the holidays~ ? (。- ω -) i partnered with #KAJA to share their new holi...
Sharing a long list of awesome products I used in the month of August. Recommend them totally! I hav...
my insta https://www.instagram.com/tesschung products used colourpop Jelly much eyeshadow - just yo...
Blue Eye shadow Look using the Colourpop Singles Antimatter, Wishful Winking. Other Blue Eyeshadow ...
✨請點開資訊欄 ✨ Hey Guys!! 今天這支影片花了我九牛二虎之力才成功上傳 (嗚嗚) 除了錄製的過程狀況百出之外,剪接也是有臨時的問題不得已拖到今天才上傳~~真不好意思讓大家等這麼久😭😭希...
IG https://www.instagram.com/tesschung Products used: Bh Glamreflection Smokes Palette BH eyelight...
products used loreal cushion glow blush C1 sunkissed coral forma perfect coverage concealer 03 bour...
这是我第一次化妆录影 中间有很多语无伦次的情节 所以有的是事后再补录 希望大家多多见谅? 喜欢的话就subscribe我的YouTube频道 还有我的【Instagram @joyeemakeup】 ...
這次Sephora打折的時間真的好早! ROUGE 8/24 - 9/3 其他會員 8/30 - 9/3 //影片中提到的商品// SEPHORA COLLECTION The Natural:...
影片中產品清單請下拉訊息欄查閱喔 PRODUCTS DETAILS AND LINKS BELOW Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/...