congratulations to you on 在 [Eng Sub] ASMR 絶対に寝てしまう至近距離のささやきと地声 Ear to Ear Whispering, Chatting 的影片資訊
Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate. I made ...
Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate. I made ...
With everything on a halt no thanks to the MCO, this did not stop newlyweds, Dayana and Steve from g...
李杰明 W.M.L Playlist: 李杰明 W.M...
〈鍾馗喬遷吉慶圖〉 夏荊山2012作品,水墨設色絹本,502X41.5cm 資料來源 2020.6.8人間福報 文/佛光山佛陀紀念館提供 夏荊山(1923─2019)位居當代書畫藝術界承先啟後之地...
Aww man, this video went LIVE almost towards the end part of the show! For the full video (and to a...
恭喜台灣! 7天0確診! 繼續加油! Congratulations Taiwan! 7 days with no new cases and 32 days without cases of loc...
こんにちは、イムランです! 大人と子供向けの英会話レッスン動画をアップしています。 今日はリクエストにお答えして1日100言です。 この動画では英語英会話一日一言の001から100までをどんどん言っ...
I sang the very popular and cute Hatsune Miku's “Melt”! Thank you for many requests (。 • ᴗ •。) ♡ The...
Vietnam Vlog! Spent 48 hours in Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam and went on crazy food adventures (TRIED B...
★★★当選者発表★Winner Announcement★中奖发表★★★ #1ラメールクッションファンデ/LA MER Foundation/海蓝之谜粉底 (Erica Style) #2(ジャ...