consonant發音 在 如何擺脫港式英文口音(48):吹毛求疵的/bz/音《蕭愷一 Daily English》(14/3/10) 的影片資訊
教學生發音時靈機一動,想出練習 bz 音的方法,大家也試試 work 唔 work? 例: 1. There's been... 2. Ribs and chips 3. This is B...
教學生發音時靈機一動,想出練習 bz 音的方法,大家也試試 work 唔 work? 例: 1. There's been... 2. Ribs and chips 3. This is B...
KK Phonics - Consonant with sound(For example: j ,y sound) KK音標發音 - 有聲子音發音練習三...
KK Phonics - Consonant with sound (For example: g, j and dge sound) KK音標發音 - 有聲子音發音練習三...
KK Phonics - Consonant with sound (For example: m sound) KK音標發音 - 有聲子音發音練習二...
KK Phonics - Consonant with sound (For example: b sound) KK音標發音 - 有聲子音發音練習一...