cruelty free music 在 Facetheory Makeup Review 的影片資訊
Hey guys! In collaboration with Facetheory I have reviewed their newest collection of their makeup...
Hey guys! In collaboration with Facetheory I have reviewed their newest collection of their makeup...
Happy New Year, my lovelies! Starting the year right with some hair care tips for all of you to try!...
Let's chat on IG tiktok @tesschung Also, I forgot to mention, on the...
Hi everyone! I've had the opportunity to review facetheory, a skincare brand from the UK that is cle...
let's be friends, chat with me on IG :)
24hコスメのアイドルラッシュマスカラを 1日検証してみました!! review of the 24h cosme idol lash mascara ◯ マスカラレビュープレイリスト: http...
▲Click For More Info▲ 嘣啾~久違的化妝影片來了 最近實在太宅又是過敏季真的很少全妝上陣 但如果真的出門又有偶包的話 可以試試隨性但不失時髦感的法式輕妝風格 http://hype...
Hi beautiful souls!! In today’s video I talked about how I do ‘’SELF-CARE’’ at home. Specificall...
江原道のアクアファンデーション お試しセットを買ってみました✨ 化粧下地とあわせた12時間検証あり!! Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa - https://thmatc.c...
first of all, i am still trying to go cruelty free and i am not an expert. unfortunately, cruelty f...