culture food around the world 在 重慶大廈挑戰非洲料理 | 完美駕馭Hiphop髮型 | 到底非洲人都吃甚麼?| African Experience in Hong Kong (Eng Sub) 的影片資訊
我們常說香港是個國際城市, 其實很多人口中的「國際化」都只向歐美文化傾斜, 對於列強以外的文化似乎不太感興趣。 在港居住的非洲裔大約有三千人, 是比南亞族裔更少數的一群。 非洲文化從不是主流媒體的寵...
我們常說香港是個國際城市, 其實很多人口中的「國際化」都只向歐美文化傾斜, 對於列強以外的文化似乎不太感興趣。 在港居住的非洲裔大約有三千人, 是比南亞族裔更少數的一群。 非洲文化從不是主流媒體的寵...
It's awesome that Vietnam has appropriated French Culture... Music used: Yuri Wong - I'm a dude: ht...
Watch the full series of Beyond Hollywood here:
It's the most bizarre cocktail I've ever had in China, but it's more about the lady makes them than ...
I was lucky enough to be invited inside of Naomi's secret Laboratory where she tinkers on and makes ...
The toughest challenge facing China isn't a trade conflict or any other kind of outside enemy, it is...
This is a very real thing, and it's best that you're aware so that you can see it for what it is... ...
Italy is and always be a special place for James and I. We love the culture and the food, the people...
One of our missions with this channel is to take you on a tour around the world and show you where t...
An 8 year 'Malaysia Anniversary' celebration video on what to expect if you decide to come down to v...