daily art magazine 在 The DCA Vlog #6: A Day of Doing Me 的影片資訊
In the spirit of doing "me", today I am doing everything that I love doing - creating the most valua...
In the spirit of doing "me", today I am doing everything that I love doing - creating the most valua...
#art #inkart #painting 常常可以跟攀岩愛好者、潛水客和釣客擦身而過,這就是台灣東北角龍洞的日常寫照。 有著磅薄氣勢的峭壁懸崖,有著渾然天成的海蝕洞奇觀,有著白岩聳立的海岬地貌...
Hello bubbiful ones! Let's get arty! Here's a Sunset Silhouette nail design for you guys. Just try...