digimon bandai 在 Figure-rise Standard WarGreymon [Amplified] by Bandai (ウォーグレイモン 戰鬥暴龍獸) 的影片資訊
From [Digimon Adventure], WarGreymon appeared in AMPLIFIED of Figure-rise Standard! The first of th...
From [Digimon Adventure], WarGreymon appeared in AMPLIFIED of Figure-rise Standard! The first of th...
有點中伏,但不減我對戰暴的愛!#Digimon #數碼暴龍 #Bandai 鍾意嘅就比個 like 同訂閱我地頻道啦~^^ 同埋記得㩒埋訂閱旁邊果個鐘仔呀!! ———————————————————...
'First Look! Premium Bandai -Digimon "DIGITALMONSTERX" http://www.thetoyszone.com/2018/03/ho... Web...
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Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/FUNHOUSEWILL BANDAI <DIGIMONPENDULUM ver.20th NEW COLOUR 2款...
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