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成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: 學生時期對重金屬音樂的熱愛 真的不是三言兩...
成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: 學生時期對重金屬音樂的熱愛 真的不是三言兩...
ASMR unboxing videos are oddly satisfying so I thought why dont just give u a raw video if me unboxi...
How do I mop with a clingy, crawly bub around me? Ini Macam yo! Earned the Mop Chenille Dry and Ti...
萌えソンなのにメタル!!電波なのにボイパ!!アレンジ違いのオケでどんどん歌っていく違和感カラオケ開催ですっ💗Hello, everyone. My name is Tammy.welcome to m...
延續上一條片,分享我多年用既vlogging拍檔。今次會用我攝影師老豆20幾年前拍嘅成長片.....帶大家返錦田舊地重遊,做番個鄉村妹.....倒帶。 [REWIND] In the second...
Hey! I'm finally back with another episode! This time, i will be trying out desserts from local b...
I get asked, quite often, the difference between the two, so since the studio lights were still on -...
📸 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎 @s.o.o.u こんにちは。約1ヶ月ぶりの動画になります。就職活動だったり、学校の授業が忙しくて動画を...
Stand your last chance to win 3x $100 DOLLARS AMAZON GIFT CARD TODAY I will announce the winner on 1...
Miki Goraiの公式ホームページはこちら Simply works on my upper muscles!!! Build a bigger ...