dribble basketball 在 射球力量 的影片資訊
點解你射唔到3分?點解有D 人射得咁輕鬆?係咪舉多D鐵就可以射完D?除左遠,點可以射快D?今次講射球力量,幫你開發咖哩射程? send片比我又或者有問題問我請到: FB Pages: https:/...
點解你射唔到3分?點解有D 人射得咁輕鬆?係咪舉多D鐵就可以射完D?除左遠,點可以射快D?今次講射球力量,幫你開發咖哩射程? send片比我又或者有問題問我請到: FB Pages: https:/...
StepBack 後撒步教學。每個球員都應該想學Harden 同 Curry Stepback for 3。究竟點做後撒步?點樣加強後撒步威力?Stepback 係現代射手必用既步法,Shoot on...
如何輕鬆跳投?點先叫跳?如果要訓練跳投應該點做?shoot on dribble 既要點係咩?今次教學片主題是跳投 send片比我又或者有問題問我請到: FB Pages: https://www....
Shooting course 第四堂,主要重練坐著出手動作,令學員能重溫投射手部動作運用。另外訓練特球步法,急停1-2step 及hop step既分別。以及訓練jumpshot 既力量訓練和sho...
Allen Iverson loves Kyrie Irving I love Kyrie too and make a top 100 ankle breaking plays for him ...
Allen Iverson changed the game of pro basketball. You might not like him for this – there is a reaso...
Here's a painting of NBA superstar Yao Ming I did, with some red paint and a basketball! I guess all...
Allen Iverson dunking is another example of a little guy that can sky. At 6 feet tall, he is taller ...
une 7, 2011- Allen "The Answer" Iverson the 14-year NBA star most notably with the Philadelphia 76er...
Alonzo Mourning had his best game. Allen Iverson had another 40-point game. But Tim Hardaway had t...