english for esl 在 抗拒學英文嘅同學點學好英文?操練?透過電影學英語?英語900句?背誦?家長自己英文普通點幫小朋友?(For 初小/家長/對英文興趣麻麻嘅朋友) 的影片資訊
? 英語會話 900 句 https://youtu.be/od1guAn_3ko ? Easy English - Talking to people in York https://youtu...
? 英語會話 900 句 https://youtu.be/od1guAn_3ko ? Easy English - Talking to people in York https://youtu...
Over the years of living in working in Taiwan, I have come across a few common complaints amongst so...
I have received many questions from people asking me about how they can come here to work and live a...
Learn colors and numbers in this funny skit. Daddy wants to drink his soda but the kids keep interr...
Taiwan is an excellent place to live and work as an expat, however it's not for everybody and certai...
What do you think of my Mandarin in this video? Comment below.... go easy on me! ;-) Music: Funny ...
What are some of the most common jobs that foreigners tend to do in Taiwan? If you enjoyed this vid...
After a week with William, the day comes for me to go back to Taiwan.... Music: Song: Ehrling - You...
A day I have been counting down for 6 months comes down to the last 18 hours.... ♫Music By♫ ●Joakim...
A little bit of weekend fun sans alcohol for a change.... Can I teach myself how to wheelie my bike ...