enjoy eat 在 Cherry(顏卓靈)'s McDonald's TVC 2009 - Promotion Video phrase 2 的影片資訊
Hi guys, I recently shooted TVC for Mcdonald's.:) This is phrase 2 which is played during christmas....
Hi guys, I recently shooted TVC for Mcdonald's.:) This is phrase 2 which is played during christmas....
Hi guys, I recently shooted TVC for Mcdonald's.:) This is the slideshow which PRO Motion Workshop ma...
Hi everyone, I went to a famous India restaurant called "The Bombay Dream". Its decoration is full o...
Hi everyone, I pay a visit to the Peak~ I go to a famous restaurant there called "The Peak Lookout"....
Follow me ^_^ http://www.bubzbeauty.com http://www.twitter.com/bubzbeauty This video isn't resp...
Hey! This is a 20 Questions tag I did and a mini haul (MAC Fix+, Epistick and Once and Again Blu...
先日納車、 ピカピカの新車に乗って、 ランチじゃない、ダチョウ丼を食べに来てくれました、 いいですね、納車一発目の動画、 最高ですよね、 大阪府堺市美原区北余部469-6 カフェレ...
Allen Iverson again is leading Philadelphia upward in the Eastern Conference standings. Iverson ...