enjoy the holiday 在 Designer Haul (Chanel, LV, Balenciaga, Prada, Saint Laurent, Gucci & Bicester) | Wenwen Stokes 的影片資訊
Hey guys! This video i am sharing a collective designer haul of some of my favourite recent purchase...
Hey guys! This video i am sharing a collective designer haul of some of my favourite recent purchase...
週末的大家午安!😎 最近在疫情較為不穩定的影響之下,在台灣的我們開始了居家防疫的生活。 雖然不太能出門的日子,需要一點時間去適應, 但其實我也很喜歡宅在家的日子,可以有更多的時間去跟自己相處, 做更...
#日常 #daily #vlog #cafe #咖啡廳 #2J CAFE #大安森林公園站 #路邊烤肉 #2J CAFE 大家好,我是won.shan :) 這次影片主要是記錄一些假日瑣碎的日...
Finally out of Singapore for a mini getaway with Royal Caribbean’s Quantum of the Seas!! We stayed i...
お休みの日のお家で過ごす1日をとりました。 ダンスや雑貨紹介をしたり、ディズニーのミッキーワッフルも作りました。 日本庭園のミニチュアを作って、夕食は串カツ田中を食べました。 チャンネル登録お願いし...
Storytime! So this was about 2 years ago before the pandemic happened. I went to Bangkok again with...
I and my flatmate, Namphon, spend time together on Valentine's Day. Hope you guys enjoy the video! ...
Only a few more days until Tet! For each of us, Tet is a very special holiday. However, this year's ...
Xin chào tất cả mọi người, lại là mình Ngân đâyyyy ? #ShopeeVN Dịp cuối năm mình nghĩ chị em ai cũng...
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a classic French Chocolate Cake (Gâte...