gender role and gender stereotypes 在 Biggest Conspiracy Ever?? Women Bullied by the Media for Decades | The Thirsty Sisters #39 的影片資訊
Two episodes this week? What a treat! In this episode, The Thirsty Sisters take a serious turn to ...
Two episodes this week? What a treat! In this episode, The Thirsty Sisters take a serious turn to ...
迪士尼電影《魔雪奇緣》有多瘋魔萬千小女孩,人所共知。不過,有家長告知我們,連囝囝亦是超級Fans,不僅天天拿著Elsa公仔在唱「Let it go」,還說要買公主裙來扮演Elsa,弄得父母很擔心:「我...