gold accessories jewelry 在 【毎日コーデ】黒多めな最新1週間コーデ!!髪伸びたから大人っぽく...♡ 的影片資訊
DAY1 00:12~ Dress:Reurie' Pants:TOMWOOD Ja...
DAY1 00:12~ Dress:Reurie' Pants:TOMWOOD Ja...
Finally got my Mom back on my channel ? Always wanted to find out how well she actually knows me, wi...
Yeah! 大部分的常戴飾品都分享完了~只有小小部分沒介紹到,等之後有新購入再和大家分享⛓ #GRWM #宇晴 #yuching 想直接看飾品可以跳到 10:11 飾品分享 💘PRODUCTS ...
Do you guys know what your skin undertone is? Here's an easy guide to help you find out what they ar...
I’m back with another highly requested video! You guys know I’m a sucker for all things shiny and pr...
This is a non-sponsored video. This video is directed by Alice Ha and edited by Siu Tong. :: 短片中出現的...
💙💙💙Thanks For Watching 點開資訊欄看更多💙💙💙 喜歡我的影片請記得要幫我點讚+訂閱唷 📱Instagram 日常+Story時常更新: https://www.instag...
♡Accessories♡ Ana Luisa Jewelry : 【 $10 off になるクーポンコード: Chie 1...
大家新年?埋咁多利是 ???? 荷包同福氣一樣咁滿呀 今日初三赤口,忌拜年,宜留家睇片消費呀! 所以就送上閨蜜飾物HAUL同大家消磨時間~ 今日我就聯同兩位閨蜜 三個人三種風格 一起分享26款飾物...
What's in my MInimalist Bag I’ve been seeing some minimalism challenge videos on Youtube and that’s...