halal travel guide 在 Nasi Goncang Nami Island, Sedap Ke? 的影片資訊
Setiap kali bawa customer ke Nami Island, mmg semua excited nak cuba Nasi Goncang. Kalau mencari ma...
Setiap kali bawa customer ke Nami Island, mmg semua excited nak cuba Nasi Goncang. Kalau mencari ma...
12 Videos Bring you travel at South Thailand Travel Guide I 2020泰国南部攻略 - 浓缩景点带你玩转泰国南部 锁定北马搞怪团Youtub...
【K Street Cafe Berjaya Time Square | 絕對經典的韓國料理 | Best Halal Korean Food in KL】 這裏有沒有跟我一樣時不時就會想吃韓國餐的...
【WILD HONEY at PAVILION KL | 最具人氣的豐富早午餐】 誰説早餐就只能在早餐時段吃得到呢? Wild Honey at Pavilion KL 就可以讓你全天享用到優質的早...
【特色Strawberry Sambal粉紅椰漿飯 | 200 SEEDS CAFE】 有沒有想過草莓與椰漿飯也能結合成一道料理呢? 不妨到200 Seeds Cafe by Abang Straw...
ini vlog lama,around november - december 2018. Baru sekarang dapat edit dan upload. SHAKY VLOG! in...
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Hello my fellow inspirers, welcome back to my channel! This v-log was unplanned, I'm sorry if the ...
HELLO EVERYONE! :) ( MORE INFO BELOW!) Trying to upload all my Japan vlogs this week, so you're in ...