hermo 在 Full Review on FOREO Luna Mini 2 | amrh.o 的影片資訊
Hi guys! It's my pleasure to be able to work with Foreo and I'm not lying, the cleansing device is a...
Hi guys! It's my pleasure to be able to work with Foreo and I'm not lying, the cleansing device is a...
是字幕呀各位!告诉我你感动吗 ?? 好啦大家别忘了这星期五晚上就会有rm1500的sephora开箱哦! 影片中提到的产品: 森田药妆 dr.morita hyaluronic acid mois...
Axis-Y is a Korean brand that offers climate-based skincare for everyone around the world. As someon...
很多人要求的日常妆来啦 今天的是比较韩妆的 妆容比较干净简约小可爱 适合约会,跟闺蜜逛街等 低调好看不夸张 今天所有的产品都来自韩国的Holika Holika 属于平价的化妆品,品质蛮好的 在Gu...
Hey lovelies! Very spontaneously filmed this video and this is the kind of look I would wear out fo...
Apa khabar, #CHAYANGS! ? My Monthly Favourites series is back! So, I plan to get this done EVERY mon...
大家的早晨是否也跟我一樣呢 收到蠻多dm要求想看skin care routine 裡面有提到的護膚品系列大家如果有興趣的話 可以在 HERMO 或是 GUARDIAN買得到哦 開架式的平民價,長達7...
Happy June guys! After using Kiehl’s products on and off for the past 2 years, I’m here to update yo...
Blog: http://fishmeatdie.com Instagram: @fishmeatdie / http://bit.ly/FMDIG Facebook: http://bit.ly/F...
純粹開箱的一個短片 長短才分鐘多? 純粹分享受到包裹的喜悅 女孩子嗎 都是喜歡驚喜的連自己買的包裹也不放過 ??? 全程都是手機拍攝和軟件編輯?? 不足的地方多多包涵指教 學習中? --------...