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WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME INSTAGRAM ohsonicole Cantonese Channel http://www.youtube.com/ohsolokyee Vlo...
WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME INSTAGRAM ohsonicole Cantonese Channel http://www.youtube.com/ohsolokyee Vlo...
BLOG: http://katykissbo.pixnet.net/blog FB: https://www.facebook.com/katybeautyfanpage INSTAGRAM: ht...
get song ji hyo's look for the february 2014 edition of the 1st Look magazine. v v CLICK FOR MORE ...
恭喜發財!!祝大家馬到功成,事事如意!青春有常駐,越看JM的CHANNEL 越靚女靚仔! 最緊要出入平安,身體健康~ 今次趕到系年頭同大家分享年度最愛神級化妝品!!! 希望你地會LIKE 爆! 唔...
Products mentioned: Xmas Set: 1)Benefit Advent Calendar 2013 Xmas Face : 1) Revlon Age Defying c...
Just a really quick and simple tutorial to make your eyes look bigger :). You can choose to add circ...
Halloween Leopard Girl Makeup 萬聖節豹紋女彩妝教學 彩妝產品: Covermark Flawless Fit 無瑕素肌緻貼粉底霜 Covermark Realf...
戴上眼鏡一樣可以化妝示人 針對眼鏡框可能遮蓋左眼部位置 所以更加要加強眼部輪廓 所用到之產品: 1. Lancome makeup primer 2. Cyber Colors Auqa...
SUBSCRIBE. LIKE. COMMENT. http://blog.yahoo.com/biamka 今天的主角是Make Up Forever 的 Rouge Artist I...
Thanks for watching :D!!!! Here comes my blog about this make up: http://blogazine.beautyexchange.c...