in and outs 在 s&j《EAT》LUNCH with THE BEST VIEW! This how we celebrated CNY/Valentines? 的影片資訊
Car top picnic is our new topic for 《EAT》…We honestly considered celebrating Valentines Day Lunch ea...
Car top picnic is our new topic for 《EAT》…We honestly considered celebrating Valentines Day Lunch ea...
Valorant is my addiction right now. I only play Jett, Raze, Phoenix, and Reyna. Idk why but I'm not ...
哈囉~安安,今天May帶來的是用一條阻力帶就可以完成的居家臀腿運動,結合一點核心的部分,15分鐘達到極佳訓練效果!跟著我一起挑戰看看吧! May愛用女性翹臀圈連結:
Shout outs to all you amazing people doing my #chloetingchallenge workouts and for keeping me entert...
Join James and get toned for summer and fit for summer! Full body work out Instagram: https://www....
On April 12, Taiwan's CPBL (confusingly named, the “Chinese Professional Baseball League” 中華職棒大聯盟) ...
不需任何器材與裝備的徒手訓練組,只需10分鐘,有空跟著做做看吧! 臀腿6個動作(做45秒,休息15秒) 靠牆蹲Wall squats 深蹲碰地起身Squat and press 相撲深蹲Sumo ...
Belated EID MUBARAK to all my subscribers and viewers ! In this episode, I get Jo to tried few famou...
今天帶來居家徒手訓練,主要針對臀腿+核心。懶得上健身房的妳/沒辦法上健身房的妳可以跟著影片在家動一動!(以下動作每個做45秒,中間休息15秒) . Sumo squat 相撲式深蹲 In and o...