is going to 在 Going To A Job Interview || A Day In My Life In Japan 的影片資訊
having to write a resume is my personal hell My Necklace:
having to write a resume is my personal hell My Necklace:
#ASMR、#relax、#raindropcake I made it referencing the sweet that is the specialty in Yamanashi prefec...
遊生夢死 (Yuseiboushi) - Eve Music Video ▼Streaming / DL (配信) 9/27~ Lyric...
歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 我有一個單身27年的朋友,每天嚷嚷著想結婚,但既然這麼想結婚,為什麼從來沒交過女朋友呢?這天終於邀請他來上節目分享這些年間他是如何保守自己、預備自己、認識自己的~(但真心祝福幼...
Hoto Noodles meal kit. If you have watched anime 'Yurucamp, Laid-Back Camp', you may know Hoto noodl...
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a Japanese matcha ice cream at home w...
1 year ago today, I went on a semester long exchange to study at Korea's Sungkyunkwan University #성균...
Hey lovelies, it's actually been a very tough couple of weeks, i've felt unmotivated, sad, down, di...
連著兩天上片就是因為我去vegas的記憶卡內容全失:))!真的Orz欸🥲 在新家第一支影片一定不能是合作影片 所以就算爆肝也要同時把兩支影片剪出來哈哈哈哈 昨天的搬家影片好多人特別來私訊我跟我說很喜歡...