iu you and i 在 VLOG#9 |即時的幸福感|氣炸燕麥鯛魚片|低卡健康餐盒|燕麥香蕉蛋糕 |Surround yourself with good people and good things 的影片資訊
#幸福感 #上班族週末 #燕麥料理 #微波燕麥蛋糕 清醒的日子很短,迷惑的日子很長 / 一萬個胡思亂想抵不過一個腳踏實際的行動 / 只有經歷過實踐,才能讓我們找到自身價值,才會望見生命的綠洲。 I...
#幸福感 #上班族週末 #燕麥料理 #微波燕麥蛋糕 清醒的日子很短,迷惑的日子很長 / 一萬個胡思亂想抵不過一個腳踏實際的行動 / 只有經歷過實踐,才能讓我們找到自身價值,才會望見生命的綠洲。 I...
BIRTHWEEK COLLAB DAY 6 :) Ain's channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCOj... Hii guys! Sin...
One day, I noticed there was a broken egg shell at the door. I also noticed there were red stickers ...
Has the length of your hair ever stopped you from getting bob box braids? That's in the past now!!! ...
#IU #DearName #이름에게 My korean pronounciation is probably wrong, but I really like this song so I tr...
Have been obsessed with the Netflix Drama ‘It’s okay not to be okay’, so why not try my hand at recr...
Hope u enjoyed our little moment hahah ✨ And im just kidding im sure he cried after this HAHHA ? Com...
My tutorials are all just for fun and laughter :) But if you can actually remember the steps from my...
hi guys, few weeks ago, i have bought new laptop battery from shopee. this is my very first time to...
【久違的韓文小教室翻唱又來了哈哈】 第一次聽的時候覺得是個輕快的歌 第二次聽的時候覺得好好聽開始無限循環 但當我靜下心來 細讀歌詞以及MV解析的文字之後 卻忍不住紅了眼眶 剛好今天在被訪問的時候才...